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Showing posts from January, 2020

I cant do retargeting with Godot, but can do other things

 Yesterday I spent part of the night trying to confirm that I cant reuse a Mixamo animation in Godot in some simple way. In Unity the process, though not trivial, was quite easy. I simply could not accept that Godot, after so many years in development, would not let me use an animation external to the model. After looking at the editor, I tried the most obvious way: exported a model without animations and took my Mixamo generated FBXs containing the animations. To my surprise, if you export to FBX a model without animations, Godot doesnt imports it with a corresponding AnimationPlayer node, even if it has an armature. But if you export with the BetterCollada exporter it does include the AnimationPlayer, without animations, of course. With the model imported, there was no way to force it to use the Mixamo animations. But if you open the animations, you can use the Animation tool to save the animation data, and load it in your model. I did it! I thought. Well, I didnt....

I had to change

According to Unity, due to embargo laws I can't use Unity, not even the personal edition. So, the last four years spent studying the engine are lost, for now, until the american embargo is over (not too soon, considering that Trump is going to be reelected and our government... is going to be reelected too). Yes, I could use it for some project inside my country, and maybe use some proxy company outside to distribute or sell games. Or even simply try and see what happens. What else is left? Well, a friend of mine kind of forced me to switch to Godot for a small 2D project. By the way, when I posted my previous post, I was still testing the engine. Now I can almost properly talk about it. This isn't the first time I play with Godot, in 2015 I checked it when I was testing several open source options to develop a little RPG we were working on. I liked that it was aimed in the right direction: a full featured engine oriented to productivity, with editor, one click deploy and feat...